Wagner Freelancing in Tucson, Arizona, is home to creative thinkers that truly love to write. One of the services we offer our clients is a freelance writer capable of crafting intriguing, well-researched, inspiring blogs to get people moving whether you want to stir them to thinking positively or try out your product or service. You are invited to enjoy our blog to get a feel for our writing style and what we can do for you and your business.
Happiness is a Warm Puppy (or Two)
The story of one family’s addiction to puppy love By Angela D. Wagner In 1962, Charles M. Schulz, creator of the Peanuts comics, published his book Happiness is a Warm Puppy. The quote, “Happiness is [...]
The Importance of Framily: The Advantages of Creating a Family of Friends
By Angela D. Wagner It has been said that family is the most important thing in life. Today, with globalization and the mobility of the human population, living near family often isn’t an option. Whether [...]
Diary of an Exchange Parent: What hosting foreign exchange students has taught our American family
Anna is our seventh exchange student. Yes, you read that correctly. Our seventh, but she is our first from Japan. It takes an adventurous person to leave everything behind for an entire school year to [...]
The power of prayer and a little faith can go a long way
The power of prayer works. I can say this doubtlessly because there have been just too many events in my life and in the lives of others to negate it. While there have been many [...]